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Caramel Apple in Beggar's Purse

Each delicious Caramel Apple in Beggar's Purse is made with apples, goat cheese, walnuts and caramel in a phyllo beggar's purse.
  • Preparation Instructions
    Best if Caramel Apple in Beggar's Purse is baked from frozen on parchment paper. Hotel quality oven - 350 degrees for 8-14 minutes. Electric oven - 400 degrees for 16-22 minutes. Gas oven - 375 degrees for 16-20 minutes. Rotate baking tray 180 degrees halfway through baking process. Serve hot or at room temperature. Cooking times may vary based on oven.

$79.99 / Tray
Pieces Per Tray: 50
Price Per Piece: $1.60
Number of Trays:
By Shaun Larson on October 7, 2014
A nice blend of sweet caramel apple and savory goat cheese and phyllo. I use these as hors doeuvres and with my salads. Customers always love them.

Fast shipping from Appetizers USA as always.
By Henry Fredericks on October 7, 2014
This was one of the favorites at the party! Everyone raved at the sweet delicate flavor! Savory and sweet, but not overwhelming. An excellent choice!

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