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Andouille Sausage & Shrimp Kabobs

Our Andouille Sausage & Shrimp Kabob are spicy New Orleans style Andouille sausage, skewered with a delicate large shrimp and crisp red and green peppers on a 6" skewer. (1.0 oz. each) Enjoy these andouille sausage appetizers with choice of cocktail for any party.
  • Preparation Instructions
    These Andouille Sausage Appetizers taste Best if baked from the frozen state on parchment paper, & baked at 350-375 degrees for 8-10 minutes.

$49.99 / Tray
Pieces Per Tray: 25
Price Per Piece: $2.00
Number of Trays:
By ardell walters on October 7, 2014
very good, quick fix, and mild spice from the sausage Ardell

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