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Chicken Empanadas

Our Frozen Chicken Empanadas are Tender thigh meat chicken seasoned in Southwest spices and paired with fire roasted vegetables and green chilies, placed into empanada dough.
  • Preparation Instructions
    From frozen, deep fry these Chicken Empanadas at 350 degrees for 5-8 minutes or until golden brown. Cooking times may vary based on deep fryer. These can also be baked at 350 degrees turning over until golden brown.

$48.99 / Tray
Pieces Per Tray: 35
Price Per Piece: $1.40
Number of Trays:
By Paula Sotomayor on October 8, 2014
These were very good. We baked them and they came out great; just be sure to use parchment paper (they will stick to foil). Would order again.

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